Max Laps In-Car Experience-Not Available at the Moment
The undersigned has agreed to participate in a drivers’ day run by Trackday Xperience Ltd of their own free volition and on the basis that they waive all claims against Trackday Xperience Ltd, (Trackdays) and Manfeild Park (Manfeild )
Without restricting any rights or remedies of Trackdays or Manfeild, and their employees, contractors, and agents, (The Parties) the undersigned indemnifies the Parties for all or any claim, action, damage, loss or payment, both actual or contingent, which the Parties pay, suffer, incur or are liable
for, due to the undersigned activities.
I the Indemnifier, for the duration of my contract with Trackdays to use the services at Manfeild accept and warrant the following;
- I will comply with Occupational Safety and Health requirements and all other instructions of Trackdays and Manfeild representatives and/or employees at all times
- I understand that the circuit manager or any employees of Trackdays may terminate or prohibit my use of Manfeild without refund if I am in breach of any of the warranties in this indemnity.
- I agree that any vehicle supplied by me for use at Manfeild will meet all applicable safety standards and requirements, and is fit for the purpose of use on the circuit for driver training.
- I am responsible for, and will pay you to make good any damage I may cause whether deliberately, negligently, or otherwise, to any property of Trackday Xperience, Manfeild, or any of their respective employees or representatives, whether situated at Manfeild or its surroundings.
- In consideration of Trackdays granting me permission to use Manfeild, I accept and warrant, as applicable, all of the above and will indemnify Trackdays, employees and drivers of Trackdays and Manfeild together with their servants, official, representatives and agents from and against all
actions, claims, costs, expenses, demands, proceedings, and losses in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to person or property however caused, arising out of or in connection with my use of Manfeild, including claims by third parties, irrespective of whether Trackdays or Manfeild, or any
other person mentioned in this clause, may have contributed to any extent to such thing. - I have arranged the requisite insurance cover for my vehicle for this track day and I shall make no claim against Trackday Xperience Ltd, as a result of any accident, mechanical damage, wear and tear or failure of my vehicle.( Insurance is NOT mandatory)
- COVID-19 Protection Framework at all levels require Vaccination Certificates for all eligible attendees, Face covering mandatory indoors , social distancing in effect except while eating at the Lunch break.
I, the undersigned, have read and understood the above acceptance, warranty, indemnity, and agree to abide by and be bound by all the terms and conditions of that indemnity, and all the rules established by Trackdays for the duration of my contract with Trackdays to use the services and facilities at
Out of stock
Payment can also be direct credited to:
Trackday Xperience Ltd, A/C 03-0539-0173255-000 and your entry sent by e-mail to
Please put your name as Reference so we can match it up with your entry form.
Or, you can post a registration form to:
Trackday Xperience Ltd.
P.O.Box 40-389
Upper Hutt